Selection of current projects:

Improving Water Scarcity and Quality for a Maternity Hospital
For a project in South Brazil in Timbó (state of Santa Catarina) German and Brazilian Rotary Clubs and Districts teamed up to support the installation of a water treatment plant at the maternity hospital OASE. Now the sewage of the hospital is purified without any risk of contamination when led to the public water system where it can be reused. This helps to protect the local environment and to prevent water scarcity.
The project had a budget of 75k USD and was completed in February 2024. The participants are the Rotary Clubs of Timbó, Timbó-Pérola do Vale, Hermann Blumenau, Rio dos Cedros, Berlin-International, Telgte and Hamburg-Altstadt as well as the Districts 4652, 1940, 1870 and 1890.

Changing the Lives of Children with Congenital Clubfoot
The „Pé torto“ project, which has been running since 2022, focuses on the establishment of orthotic banks to all certified Ponseti method treatment facilities in Brazil (currently about 50). Children with congenital clubfoot need, after a conservative initial therapy with plaster splints, „growing“ orthoses to ensure the long-term success of the treatment. The orthoses are made in Brazil and can be reused about 4-5 times. A small rental fee secures that the project can be self-sustaining in the long-term.
The project has a budget of 117k USD. Participants are the Rotary Clubs of São Carlos Norte, Willich, Ratingen, Meerbusch-Büderich, Kaarst-Korschenbroich, Bietigheim-Vaihingen, Ludwigsburg and Mercedes-Benz Brazil.

Producing Own Food and Promotion of Entrepreneurship
Helping people help them-selves is the motto of the NGO „Cidades Sem Fome“ (Cities without hunger) in São Paulo that develops sustainable agricultural projects together with residents of favelas (slums). Newly created urban vegetable gardens in unused areas are intended for self-consumption by the participants (reduction of hunger) as well as for selling, generating job opportunities that lead to a regular income for people in need. The NGO operates several gardens. In 2020, a project for a new garden with a budget coming from Rotary of 94k USD was started and completed in 2021. Participants are the Rotary Clubs of São Paulo-Artur Alvim, München-Land, Berlin-International, Berlin-Brücke der Einheit, Crailsheim and the Districts 4563, 1842 and 1940.

Teaching how to Cook Healthy and Training Women in Need
120 women („lunch ladies“) who cook in the schools of the slum „Favela da Maré“ in Rio de Janeiro and 40 school children are taught how to cook healthy food in the Women’s House (Casa das Mulheres) of the local NGO „Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré“ (Development of Networks of Maré). The purchase and equipment of the industrial kitchen of Casa das Mulheres was already part of a previous global grant project.
The project has a budget of 75k USD. It started in July 2022 and was finished in August 2023. Participants are the Rotary Clubs of Rio de Janeiro and RC Wiesbaden as well as the Districts 4571 and 1820.

Training for Social Workers Supporting Street Kids in São Paulo
The aim of the project is to professionally train social workers who work with street kids that live under the worst conditions (poverty, neglect, drug and alcohol addiction) to be professionally trained for their work. There is no comparable training from public authorities.
The goal is to train at least 300 social workers in the entire urban area of São Paulo. The project started end of 2017 and had so far 240 participants – with very positive feedback. Two seminar series with 40 participants each will still take place. The project has a budget of 71k USD and is supported by the Rotary Clubs of São Paulo and Kempen-Krefeld as well as by the Districts 4563 and 1870.

Providing Hearing Aids for People in Need in Rio de Janeiro
Three Rotary Clubs in Rio de Janeiro launched this project in 2004 to help hearing-impaired children and adults in need, as the Brazilian healthcare system does not provide enough hearing aids. An interdisciplinary team, supported by international Rotary Clubs, takes care of the selection, fitting and care of the recipients. In 2005, the project was presented at the Rotary International Convention as an example of successful international cooperation. In 2007, the project ran under the patronage of the then German Federal Minister Dr. Ursula von der Leyen. To date, more than 3,000 people have been fitted. There is still a relevant need and the project is ongoing.

„We are very happy that through the power of this German-Brazilian network and The Rotary Foundation we were able to help our local community.“
Ralph Felsman
Past President Rotary Club Timbó (Santa Catarina/Brazil)

„The Rotarian Friendship between Brazil and Germany already helped many thousands of people in need. The global grant programme is a relevant support.“
Tim Fabian Besser
President German Section ICC Brazil-Germany